Free Fallin’

 I’m living the song… I wanna to free fall.. I am going to play life day by day. Less technology more nature and self-awareness. I do not want to hurt anyone, or anything in my path. As I have done so before many of times; each person whom I have and has to me -has brought me something. They allowed me to discover a different form of an emotion between each individual. No one has felt the same about anyone else, or any person with someone else… As love, fear, and despair come in many forms. I want to flow with the tide, ride with the wind. Its time: to free fall from the mistakes I made that I internally punish myself for every day, from regret, shame, hurt, and fall from the grudges that have prevented me from reaching the point i have now — sooner. All I can do is pray that only good happens to everyone, hope they can forgive, and wish them the best. All my life I have seemed to worry so much about my impact on other people, yet, I never looked at the impact everyone I have surrounded myself with — had on my life. Now that I have become aware, I need to just Trust Fall through the future.

Enjoy some John Mayer in your life: My personal favorites are Tracks 2, 4, 5, 7, and 11

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